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When you see the traffic light, there is something you should know…

Watch out for the road signs as you journey through life. Observe the speed limits – don’t be too fast on the work lane else you will crush and don't be too slow on the play and non-work lane else you will be ran over. Catch your breath at the traffic lights – Red means STOP and REFLECT. Slow down at the intersections – it is your cue to change directions.

The Battle of Superior Strategy Series

In this series, I examine the daring leadership lessons for businesses, leaders and individuals from three different perspectives of a very popular historic biblical battle between David and Goliath.  Until now, like many of you who have heard the account of this battle before, I had plainly assumed it was all...

The Spoils Of Covid 19

Covid-19 is a world disaster, no doubt. The world is at war and we are recording casualties every day. Every day, we are picking up fallen soldiers from the battlefield. Our foe seems to be gaining grounds each day, attacking new frontiers and threatening to take new territories. Businesses are...

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