category / Anything Business

The Battle of Superior Strategy Series

In this series, I examine the daring leadership lessons for businesses, leaders and individuals from three different perspectives of a very popular historic biblical battle between David and Goliath.  Until now, like many of you who have heard the account of this battle before, I had plainly assumed it was all...

The risk that risk takers take

Is it riskier to take risks or to avoid taking risks? Which is costlier? Which is more rewarding? In almost every sphere of life these days – both professionally and personally – individuals and businesses are conducting risk assessments of every single decision, action or idea. It has become more...

Leading by Credibility

Credibility is a leader’s currency. With it, he or she is solvent; without it, he or she is bankrupt. – John Maxwell   Effective leaders lead by example. Leading by example establishes credibility. The process of establishing credibility as a leader involves time, effort, and patience, but totally worth the...

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